10 Beautiful Speckled Swan Gourd Seeds-Ornamental Gourd-LEGANARIA SICERARI-A061
10 Beautiful Ornamental Speckled Swan Gourd Seeds-LEGANARIA SICERARI-A061.
As an annual species, speckled swan gourds grow virtually anywhere without consideration of the local hardiness zone since the plants live for only one season and die back when frost occurs. However, they require at least 130 frost-free days to mature and bear fruit, so it is best to germinate the seeds indoors two to four weeks before the last spring frost.
This allows the seedlings to become well established by planting time Soak speckled swan gourd seeds in a bowl full of warm water for 24 hours. Drain the water off no more than 30 minutes before sowing the seeds.
Fill 3-inch peat pots with a mixture of three parts garden soil, one part compost and one part perlite. Set the peat pots in a 2-inch-deep tray filled with water. Soak them until the soil mixture in each peat pot feels moist in the center. Remove the peat pots from the water. Empty the tray, and place the peat pots back inside to drain. Allow the pots to drain for 15 to 20 minutes before sowing the speckled swan gourd seeds. Sow one gourd seed in each peat pot. Bury the seeds 1 inch deep. Firm the soil well to remove any air that might be trapped around the seeds. Place the peat pots in their 2-inch-deep tray onto a warming mat near a large window with southern or southeastern exposure. Set the temperature on the warming mat to 68 F (20 C). Lower the temperature to 60 F (15C) at night. Pour water into the bottom of the tray whenever the soil in the peat pots feels dry in the top inch. Water from the bottom to encourage downward root growth. Always allow the water in the tray to evaporate before watering the peat pots again. Watch for germination in five to 10 days. Adjust the temperature on the warming mat to 65 F until planting time. Keep the peat pots well watered after germination, but do not get moisture on the newly formed leaves since they are susceptible to fungal infections.
Tips: Transplant the peat pots into a sunny bed with adequate drainage once soil temperatures reach 65 F and all danger of frost has passed. Cut off the bottom of the peat pots before planting. Space the seedlings 5 to 10 feet apart at the base of a large, sturdy trellis. Briefly: Gourds are a hot weather crop. They need full sun and deep, rich, well drained, organic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Before planting, work in lots of compost.
Directly plant seed outdoors in late May to June 2.5 cm (1″) deep in hills 2.4 m (8′) apart with 4-6 seeds per hill. After germination, thin to 3 plants per hill. Seed can be started indoors 3 weeks before the plant out date. They do not transplant well–use paper or fibre pots that can be set directly in the soil. Protect mature fruits from frost and cold temperatures.