20+ Red Maple Tree Seeds- Acer Rubrum- G059-Soft Maple-Swamp Maple Tree-Water Maple Tree-Excellent Growth In all Condition-Trident Red Maple
20+ Red Maple Tree Seeds- Acer Rubrum- G059-Soft Maple-Swamp Maple Tree-Water Maple Tree-Excellent Growth In all Condition-Trident Red Maple

20+ Red Maple Tree Seeds- Acer Rubrum- G059-Soft Maple-Swamp Maple Tree-Water Maple Tree-Excellent Growth In all Condition-Trident Red Maple

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20+ Red Maple Tree Seeds- Acer Rubrum- G059-Soft Maple-Swamp Maple Tree-Water Maple Tree-Excellent Growth In all Condition-Trident Red Maple


Red Maple Tree Seeds (Deciduous) Red Maple is native to the eastern half of North America. It makes for a beautiful shade tree all season long with vivid red flowers in spring, solid green leaves through the summer and brilliant crimson foliage in the fall. Trees average between 15-20 m (50-66′) in height when mature. Red Maple is a very site tolerant tree growing in almost any situation from dry sloped sites to flat lands with continually wet bog-like conditions.

Due to this tolerance for a wide range of growing conditions, some sources consider Red Maple the most common tree in North America. The U.S. Forest service recognizes it as the most abundant native tree in eastern North America The red maple ranges from southeastern Manitoba around the Lake of the Woods on the border with Ontario and Minnesota, east to Newfoundland, south to Florida, and southwest to eastern Texas. Many of its features, especially its leaves, are quite variable in form. At maturity, it often attains a height of around 30 m (100 ft). Its flowers, petioles, twigs and seeds are all red to varying degrees. Among these features, however, it is best known for its brilliant deep scarlet foliage in autumn. It grows faster than Norway or sugar maple, but considerably slower than silver maple, making it a better choice in urban landscaping.

It is used commercially on a small scale for maple syrup production as well as for its medium to high quality lumber. It is also the state tree of Rhode Island.

Plant Type :Deciduous tree

Mature Size :40 to 70 feet tall (occasionally taller) with a spread of 30 to 50 feet

Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun

Soil Type: Adaptable; sandy to clay Soil pH 4.5 to 6.5

Bloom Time :Spring Flower

Color :Red

Hardiness Zones :3 to 9 Native Area :Eastern American deciduous forest

Botanical Name: Acer rubrum

How to Grow; Quick Stratification of tree seed occurs naturally outdoors through the winter. Sowing tree seeds outdoors in the fall takes advantage of this natural effect. To stratify indoors, mix the seed with a moistened, sterile, peat based growing medium in a container, wrap in a ventilated bag, and place it in a refrigerator for 12 to 20 weeks. In the spring plant the seed in a sheltered spot outside to grow into seedlings. Transplant to permanent site when well rooted. From March to May, small red flowers appear. The reddish "helicopter" fruit/seed pods appear in early spring before leaves flesh out. The leaves are two to five inches long, with the classic 3- to 5-lobed structure common to maples.. Light Red maples can flourish in full sun but can also tolerate partial shade.