200+ Alyssum Carpet of Snow Flower Seeds- Beautiful white -Lobularia Maritima Flower--B311
A compact, rapid growing variety which is drought tolerant and heat resistant and is excellent in containers or along the front of the flower bed. Sweet Alyssum thrives in full sun to partial shade and in almost any soil. For the best performance, Alyssum seeds should be sown in early spring when temperatures are warming. Alyssum seedlings cannot withstand a heavy frost. In warmer climates, Sweet Alyssum flower seeds will self-sow year after year.
Alyssum is a low growing annual that is known for its carpet of sweet smelling white, violet or purple colored flowers. It grows and flowers best during the coolest parts of the summer in New England, but in northern and coastal areas can be in flower all summer long. The narrow hairy leaves are inconspicuous when alyssum is in full flower. Bees, butterflies and other insects love alyssum making it a good plant in a pollinator garden. In my garden it will self-sow readily and become a permanent fixture each year. However, I still like to replant new varieties each spring for added color and to grow more vigorous plants. The dense clusters of tiny snow-white flowers bloom continuously throughout the growing season if the spent blossoms are trimmed back. Alyssum care includes keeping the plants well watered throughout the summer and lightly trimming the Sweet Alyssum plant back after blooming to neaten the appearance and encourage another flush of flowers.
Season: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7 - 9
Height: 8 - 12 inches
Bloom Season: Spring and summer
Bloom Color: White
Environment: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Type: Well-drained, pH 6.0 - 6.5
Deer Resistant: Yes
Temperature: 55 - 75F (12-23 C)
Average Germ Time: 15 - 20 days
Light Required: Yes
Depth: Do not cover
Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 6 inches