25+ Carnation Rose Flower Seeds- Annual Grenadin Rose- Exotic  Dianthus Caryophyllus----B663

25+ Carnation Rose Flower Seeds- Annual Grenadin Rose- Exotic Dianthus Caryophyllus----B663

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25+ Carnation Rose Flower Seeds- Annual Grenadin Rose- Exotic Dianthus Caryophyllus----B663


These Carnation seeds are a beauty to behold and perfect to grow in the cutting garden. There is no better known flower for cutting than a Carnation! This Dianthus Chabaud has tall, double, fringed flowers that have a lovely spicy scent. The foliage is clump-forming and blue-green in color. Dianthus Caryophyllus Chabaud Carnations grow as a perennial in frost free zones, or grow as an annual where winters are cold.

Grow Carnation flower seeds in borders, planters and rock gardens.

Propagation: Carnations are grown from seed. Carnation seeds can be directly seeded into your flower garden, or started indoors for transplanting later. If planting outdoors, sow them early in the spring. But, make sure the soil is not too wet. When sowing seeds, cover lightly with 1/4 inches of fine soil. Space seeds or seedlings 12" apart. If you are growing perennials, you can propagate them from cuttings or by division. Once your plants have been established, they can be propagated by separation in the fall

How to Grow Carnation Plants: Carnations plants are very easy to grow. They prefer full sun and a rich, well-drained soil. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week. Add a general purpose fertilizer once or twice a month. Carnations will grow 16-18" and make great borders or edging. Space plants 12" apart. Once your Carnations are established, they will grow well and bloom from the spring and throughout the summer. The perennial varieties are hardy. They will withstand light frosts before going dormant for the winter. Perennials should be mulched for winter protection against extreme cold temperatures.

Season: Perennial

Hardiness Zones: 6 - 9

Height: 24 inches

Bloom Season: Late spring through mid-summer

Bloom Color: Mix

Environment: Full sun to partial shade

Soil Type: Well-drained, pH 6.6 - 7.8

Temperature: 68 - 75 F

Average Germ Time: 7 - 14 days

Light Required: No

Depth: Sow seeds 1/16th inch deep

Sowing Rate: 2 - 3 seeds per plant

Moisture: Keep moist until germination

Plant Spacing: 12 - 18 inches