50+  Delphinium Black Knight Flower Seeds- DELPHINIUM CULTORUM-Black Knight Delphinium - Pacific Giant Hybrids-Tall Gorgeous Perennial -B783

50+ Delphinium Black Knight Flower Seeds- DELPHINIUM CULTORUM-Black Knight Delphinium - Pacific Giant Hybrids-Tall Gorgeous Perennial -B783

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50+ Delphinium Black Knight Flower Seeds- DELPHINIUM CULTORUM-Black Knight Delphinium - Pacific Giant Hybrids-Tall Gorgeous Perennial -B783


Black Knight is a large perennial from the Pacific Giant Hybrids. It may require staking while flowering especially in windy areas as this plant can grow up to 6 feet tall. It has tall spikes of flowers in a gorgeous shade of dark violet-blue with a black bee in the center. Sow Delphinium seeds to produce this gorgeous addition to the perennial flower garden. Hummingbirds and bees will visit often!

Delphinium × cultorum is a hybrid species in the genus Delphinium derived from D. elatum. Grown for their tall flower spikes and deeply lobed foliage, plants of the genus Delphinium add height and color to garden borders and beds. Delphinium Cultorum Black Knight is marked by immense, graceful, light to medium blue flower spikes with white 'bees'.  These tall beauties create a wonderful back border for the perennial flower garden, or plant them in a mass in the center of an island garden. Delphinium grow best in full sun; however, in hotter zones they may be planted in bright shade areas that still receive some direct sunlight during the day. They thrive in rich, deeply worked soil that drains well. Prefers cool, moist summer nights. Space plants approximately 30 inches apart for optimum performance. Grows well in zones 3 - 8, but in hotter zones you may need to treat as hardy annual.

Delphinium Cultorum care includes applying a balanced liquid fertilizer every month as the plants are heavy feeders. Grow the plants in full sun and in compost rich well drained soil. Delphinium care includes applying a balanced liquid fertilizer every month as the plants are heavy feeders. Plants should be replaced every 3 to 4 years as they will become woody and begin to decline with age. Cut plants back after initial flowering for a possible second showing in fall. The flowers are excellent for cutting. This flower seed produces Delphiniums that will grow at elevations up to 10,000 feet which is very rare.

Growing Delphinium: To get a jump start on the growing season, sow Delphinium seeds indoors weeks 4-6 weeks before last frost. Use sterile starter mix in trays and cover flower seeds 1/8 - 1/4 inches. Store the seed in the refrigerator in a sealed container until ready to plant. Delphinium seed germination is sensitive to high moisture and temperature. You should use a disease free seed sowing mix to avoid “damping off” to which delphiniums are susceptible. Cover the seed lightly.

Season: Perennial

Hardiness Zones: 3 - 8

Temperature: 55 F (12 C)

Average Germ Time: 14 - 28 days

Light Required: No

Depth: 1/8 - 1/4 inch

Sowing Rate: 2 - 3 seeds per plant

Moisture: Keep seed moist until germination

Plant Spacing: 30 inches

Sowing Delphinium Seed Indoors

Height: 70 inches

Bloom Season: Summer

Bloom Color: Purple/Blue

Environment: Full sun

Soil Type: Rich, well-drained, pH 6.6 - 7.5

Deer Resistant: Yes