500+ Organic Microgreen Pac Choi Seeds -Pak Choi Bok Choy- Rare Heirloom Vegetable-G069
500+ Organic Microgreen Pac Choi Seeds - Pak Choi Bok Choy- Rare Heirloom Vegetable-G069
Microgreen Pac Choi seeds contain very high amounts of vitamins and minerals, and of course chlorophyll and amino acids. And like all other microgreens and sprouts, they are very easily digested, so the nutrition is complete. And that makes them a super-food. Microgreen Pac Choi seeds are a delicious and nutritious topping for stir-fries that matches the flavour profile. Add raw before serving. Or use pac choi microgreens as a garnish to complement nearly any meal. Somewhere between broccoli and mustard in flavour, but mild and very succulent. Microgreens can be grown at any time of the year as long as you can supply enough light. Sow microgreen seeds fairly densely, a little less dense for large seeds like sunflowers or Swiss chard. Once your microgreen seeds have been planted, mist the whole area. You want to keep the soil moist like a wrung out sponge, but not sitting in water. Keep your mist sprayer handy, and spritz the soil regularly. The nice thing about using seedling germination trays is that you can take a second tray and invert it over the planted tray. This traps moisture inside, and prevents rapid evaporation. Growing Directions: Cabbage microgreens seeds are easy to grow quickly in either soil or hydroponic mediums. If you are growing micro cabbage in soil, tamp and moisten soil before spreading your microgreens seeds across its surface. You may want to cover seeds with a thin layer of soil. This will keep the seeds moist for longer. Allowing the seeds to germinate on the surface is fine too! Keep dark with the black out dome for the first 3 days then flip the lid on day 4 and 5 to stress and strengthen the crop. Prefers a lower light condition, once the blackout dome is removed. Facts: Cabbage microgreens are full of health benefits! A couple of them include: Contains glucosinolates, which release isothiocyanates which can prevent the development of cancer by inhibiting carcinogens High concentrations of vitamin C which boosts the immune system Latin Name: Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Other Name(s): Bok Choi, Pok Choy Presoak: No Soak Preferred Growing Medium: Soil or Hydroponic Blackout Time: 2-3 days Germination Time: 2-3 days Estimated time to Harvest: 8-11 days Microgreen Color: white stem, green leaves Microgreen Flavor: mild, earthy, slightly sweet Microgreen Texture: fresh, crisp, light Nutrients: Vitamins C, K, and E, beta-carotenes, and iron